marzo 29, 2008

Celoso y desubicado

Esta rolita es una de mis favoritas. Estará incluida en el segundo disco.

marzo 21, 2008

todos quieren ser ya Gato Jazzz

could this be the reason jazz makes me swing swing? jajaja

marzo 13, 2008

its no monkey, its a lemur

Made me laugh a lot

Matías en el Convite

Everybody! You can have a wonderful dinner with the company of a wonderful musician!

marzo 10, 2008

"We are volcanoes. When we women offer our experience as our truth, as human truth,
all the maps change. There are new mountains."
-Ursula K. Le Guin
This painting is Susan Seddon's

marzo 07, 2008

"Trees are Earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven."
-R. Tagore

I wonder if that effort is actually endless....i wonder...

marzo 05, 2008

Saturday's for Paté

las arrugas

Nadie envejece sólo por vivir un número de años.
La gente envejece únicamente al abandonar sus ideales.
Los años arrugan el rostro, pero perder el entusiasmo
arruga el alma.
La preocupación, la duda, el egoísmo, el miedo, la desesperación-
estos son largos largos años que inclinan la cabeza
y llevan el espíritu nuevamente al polvo.

Esta imagen siempre me ha fascinado. La encontré buscando imagenes que representaran el arquetipo femenino. No sé de quien sea, lo cierto es que esos ojos me cautivan cada vez que la miro. Imsh-Allah y llegue a esa edad con todas esas arrugas sonrientes, con ese brillo en los ojos y con la certeza que sólo la sabiduría proporciona. Invariablemente la miro y me detengo; me pregunto qué estoy haciendo hoy parallegar a alli. Porque para caminar ese camino hay que dar pasos con sentido, con determinación, con amor, compasion, perdón y alegría.

¿Qúe estoy haciendo hoy para llegar allí?

marzo 04, 2008

More achievements..

This one is small but fills me with delite. Today I finished my 5km course around the neighborhood in 1/2 hr with Hanna, half power walked half jogged. Im very proud of myself, havent done this peacefully for more than a year (last time was horrible and injuring). My left thigh still feels a little stiff cause of injuy and theright knee hurt from time to time high high...oh yeah I feel the relapse...


"Victory is sweetest when you've known defeat" -Malcolm S. Forbes

"It's your aptitude, not just your attitude that determines your ultimate altitude."-Zig Ziglar

These are for my dear friend Octavio who just had his PhD's examinations. Well done! You know I'll always always believe in you! The view must be deliteful, specially if you had a hard hike...however there's still some more steps to the top. Best wishes and a place in my heart and mind forever!