julio 02, 2008

June 23 was the day..

a new star was born, may Elbereth guide her way

Look at her, shes a flirt from the very beginning! sweet heart.

May love and laughter light your days,

and warm your heart and home.

May good and faithful friends be yours,

wherever you may roam.

May peace and plenty bless your world

with joy that long endures.

May all life's passing seasons

bring the best to you and yours

-Old Irish Blessing

Or as this half-elven would say,

Elen írima, len orenyalo sinna nucuma anna. Alassië nar i hendu i cenantet
(kind star, for you with all my heart this humble present. Joyous are the eyes tha see you )

Photograph by proud parents n_n

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