marzo 26, 2010
His Car
It's been a while since my camera fucked up , and I miss takin pics sooo much. Maiden lent me his for the weekend, making me incredibly happy (Thank you my dear friend). Now I'm trying to take as many pics as I can..jeje
what do ya guys think of this one?
marzo 25, 2010
zoot suit riot
oooh I've got this tune stuck in my head..keep mumbling "zoot suit riot! throw back a bottle o' you sailors know where yar women come for love...." and on...gosh!
doesnt it happen to you from time to time you get tunes stuck up?
marzo 23, 2010
¡Ah, que estoy cansada! Me he reído tanto,
tanto, que a mis ojos ha asomado el llanto.
Tanto, que este rictus que contrae mi boca
es un rastro extraño de mi risa loca.
Tanto, que esta intensa palidez que tengo,
(como retrato de viejo abolengo)
es por la fatiga de la loca risa
que en todos sus nervios su sopor desliza.
¡Ah, que estoy cansada! Dejadme que duerma,
pues, como la angustia, la alegría enferma.
¡Qué rara ocurrencia decir que estoy triste!
¿Cuándo mas alegre que ahora me has visto?
¡Mentira! No tengo ni dudas, ni celos,
ni inquietud, ni angustias, ni penas, ni anhelos.
Si brilla en mis ojos la humedad del llanto
es por el esfuerzo de reírme tanto…
~ Juana de Ibarbourou
marzo 12, 2010
today's horoscope
"You may be in an odd frame of mind today because you have the idea that you can be emotionally closer to others yet they might choose to be more distant from you. Naturally, this can be stressful and it's best to decide how comfortable you can be before it's too late. Ultimately, it's not just about what you can tolerate; it's also about being with those who are supportive of what you do"
i miss you i miss you i miss you
marzo 11, 2010
El amor es una fuente inagotable de reflexiones: profundas como la eternidad, altas como el cielo y grandiosas como el universo.
-Alfred Victor de Vigny
Desde hace tiempo reflexiono sobre la vida, en especial sobre como mis ideas han ido permeando y cambiando mi realidad. Nada de lo vivido ha sido en vano. Todas las decisiones tomadas o no, me han llevado a este valle. La vida ha puesto en el camino suficientes pruebas para ayudarme a madurar mis sueños y la claridad de lo que significa ser mujer.... que no es resultado de que te crezcan los senos, sino la sensibilidad y la fortaleza. Es desarrollar el equilibrio entre ser guerrera y madre...hacer el amor y la guerra. Ser mujer es comprender la dualidad interna y vivirla a diario.
En esta ciudad del eterno claroscuro, de la indecisión, del eterno vaivén de almas confusas; busqué no perderme en la marea. Busqué, tropecé y seguí buscando hasta que entendí que el almizcle está en mis entrañas; es mi responsabilidad, mi fruto, mi decisión.
Ultimamente, me es dificil mantener la claridad y el corage de vivir a diario como un guerrero que avanza ante la incertidumbre. Definirme sin permitir que el bombardeo diario de esquemas frívolos, sin alma, utilitarios, de falso éxito, me derrote. Qué importante es saber que ser valiente no quiere decir no tener miedo, sino seguir caminando a pesar del miedo. Saber, que no somos perfectos sino perfectibles y que al final lo verdaderamente valioso es no dejar el camino.
Ahora me siento en este valle, a contemplar el paisaje...a decidir que camino tomar, con el mismo miedo, pero con la claridad que el rio que define el paisaje, es el mio.
Ultimamente, me es dificil mantener la claridad y el corage de vivir a diario como un guerrero que avanza ante la incertidumbre. Definirme sin permitir que el bombardeo diario de esquemas frívolos, sin alma, utilitarios, de falso éxito, me derrote. Qué importante es saber que ser valiente no quiere decir no tener miedo, sino seguir caminando a pesar del miedo. Saber, que no somos perfectos sino perfectibles y que al final lo verdaderamente valioso es no dejar el camino.
Ahora me siento en este valle, a contemplar el paisaje...a decidir que camino tomar, con el mismo miedo, pero con la claridad que el rio que define el paisaje, es el mio.
marzo 10, 2010
a cold..
I have a cold with a nasty itchy cough, but what actually bothers me the most is the aching. My body is pretty sore, specially my back. Dunno why.
Spent the afternoon at my workshop working on a tote, a simple multipocket tote. Simple. Blue and white. Nice. The best medicine was sitting down to sew and create....
Textiles are amazing :D
I'll show you the results when I'm finished....
Spent the afternoon at my workshop working on a tote, a simple multipocket tote. Simple. Blue and white. Nice. The best medicine was sitting down to sew and create....
Textiles are amazing :D
Publish Post
I'll show you the results when I'm finished....
come away
You can see the original clip here I loove the car, is it an Impala? does anyone know? its definitively 70's, right?
I'd love to drive down a highway thaat beautiful with you.... won't you come away with me
Come away with me in the night
Come away with me
And I will write you a song
Come away with me on a bus
Come away where they can't tempt us
With their lies
I want to walk with you
On a cloudy day
In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high
So won't you try to come
Come away with me and we'll kiss
On a mountaintop
Come away with me
And I'll never stop loving you
And I want to wake up with the rain
Falling on a tin roof
While I'm safe there in your arms
So all I ask is for you
To come away with me in the night
Come away with me
marzo 09, 2010
It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
-Alan Cohen
The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.
-Charles DuBois
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the things which you think you cannot do.
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.
-Erich Fromm
Bjomolf keeps yelling: FLOW FLOW FLOW BEAR, FLOW!
and ....
i feel stuck....I keep yelling: HELP, HELP HELP!!
pic is mine, 2008
marzo 05, 2010
Everybody I Love You
Another song right from my childhood memories...I've sounded like this lately
Know you got to run, know you got to hide.
Still there is a great life engrained deep within your eyes.
Open up, open up, baby, let me in.
You expect for me to love you when you hate yourself my friend la, la, la...
Everybody I love you, everybody I do, oh, yes.
Though your heart is an answer, I need your love to get me through,
oh yeah, I really do now.
When I tell you I love you, when I tell you, you can believe that it's true, oh, yes it is.
Everybody I love you, everybody I do, oh, yes I really do now…
-Stephen Stills and Neil Young
Know you got to run, know you got to hide.
Still there is a great life engrained deep within your eyes.
Open up, open up, baby, let me in.
You expect for me to love you when you hate yourself my friend la, la, la...
Everybody I love you, everybody I do, oh, yes.
Though your heart is an answer, I need your love to get me through,
oh yeah, I really do now.
When I tell you I love you, when I tell you, you can believe that it's true, oh, yes it is.
Everybody I love you, everybody I do, oh, yes I really do now…
-Stephen Stills and Neil Young
to bite the bullet
*idiomatic expression: to do or endure something unpleasant.
o sease...aguantar vara puesn
I'm bittin the bullet for now...
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