febrero 29, 2008

Follow the light

“Mere colour, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways.” -Oscar Wild

Took this shot some time ago at CeNArt. I was planning a B&W shot and ended up with the opossite...did some simple editing on it...Really like the outcome.

Life is made of contrasts, I believe we define most of our situations by contrasting them with other's, with other moments, with our mind contents....endless possiblilities. Femenine masculine, light darkness, up down...hello goodbye? jajaja

febrero 28, 2008


¿Me extravié en la fiebre?
¿Detrás de las sonrisas?
¿Entre los alfileres?
¿En la duda?
¿En el rezo?
¿En medio de la herrumbe?
¿Asomado a la angustia,
al engaño,
a lo verde?...
No estaba junto al llanto,
junto a lo despiadado,
por encima del asco,
adherido a la ausencia,
mezclado a la ceniza,
al horror,
al delirio.
No estaba con mi sombra,
no estaba con mis gestos,
más allá de las normas,
más allá del misterio,
en el fondo del sueño,
del eco,
del olvido.
No estaba.
¡Estoy seguro!
No estaba.
Me he perdido.

-Oliverio Girondo

Photo: Foam-me/ mine

febrero 27, 2008

CS.Lewis turn

This is one of the miracles of love:
It gives a power of seeing through its own enchantments
and yet not being disenchanted.

It may be hard for an egg
to turn into a bird:

it would be a jolly sight harder
for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg.

We are like eggs at present.

And you cannot go on indefinitely
being just an ordinary, decent egg.

We must be hatched or go bad.”

C.S. Lewis

febrero 19, 2008

Musical Weekend

Friday night

El Chino and I went all the way to PomonaOnce to attend Paté de Fuá's presentation....uju! We love them, i love them. Every time we go, we have a good time, they're great musicians and people. When they play they transmit their love for music, dunno, its very special. Besides dinner at pomona its quite delicious and affordable. Couldn't take any photos there.
Before Pomona I wanted to attend Matías Ravier presentation at IFAL....damns traffic jam..couldnt make it...

Saturday....just went by

Sunday...I could take some shots there, not very good ones but shots after all. Again Dani and I went to listen to Paté de Fuá....again..jajaja Inspite the sun on our faces, music sounded sooo much better. At Pomona we were crowded, coulds see anyone but Perata and Alexi's hat...and the window behind them kept on rattling...but at casa del lago music flowed neatly into our ears...

Later that day I went (again) to CeNArt The Beaujean Project was on stage at 4pm. more sun on my head and more really goodmusic in my heart. These two sisters in gang with really young and talented guys sound very cool and jazzy. I like specially Jenny's style, how she sings is marvelous. Elendil would like to add: they're also very sexy girls jajajaja.

Photos all mine

febrero 13, 2008

"Al principio son pequeños,
pero en su discurrir se hacen
mas fuertes y profundos,
y una vez han empezado
ya no tienen marcha atrás.
Así sucede con los ríos,
los años y las amistades"

-Versículo sánscrito
Photo: time/mine

febrero 12, 2008

"Cuando el tiempo pase y tu me olvides, silencioso vivirás en mí; porque en la penumbra de mis pensamientos, todos los recuerdos me hablarán de tí."

-Gustavo adolfo Becquer

febrero 11, 2008

dancing hippos

Monday Monday, so good to me,
Monday Monday, it was all I hoped it would be
Oh Monday morning, Monday morning couldn't guarantee
That Monday evening you would still be here with me.[...]

Im talking bout my sanity....Gosh !

For some reason I couldnt manage to finish anything, my undergraduate turned into hell...burning words! Nothing came through, hence i became quite frustrated. This feeling started growing deeper underground, till i was absolutly freaked out . STOP! (meatloaf style) grabbed my gray capri tights, a tank, a fleece...shoes!

Made a short stop at walmart to pick up some chewies for Hanna and ingredients for my morning smoothie... when i realized that people kept staring, hey! what is it...maybe i looked kind o' weird for a supermaket: grey tights(with shiny lat stripes) bright red fleece, nose ring, glasses, really messy hair....oh and my leather handbag...carrying around a basket full of herbs and vegetables...awkward? imagine if I had chosen the electric pink tights, jijijijiji i dont care, tights are sooo comfortable....

They charged me more than $80 extra ,and i didnt notice till I got to Echegaray for a nice jogging evenining....!!!nice! argh! oook so, warm up, stretch...lets just take a nice walk like yesterday's Mariana.

Gatorade, please! I gasped after an I-dont-know-how-long-it-took-me course. I managed to finish my old 5km course, jogging! Yesterday I walked 8Km at 6Km/hr nicely done , I mean its been over a year since my last trainning season. Today I was foolish enough to let my bad mood push me onto the road, like an old coal horse, just following the track...a weird state...still can't understad how i didt it, suddenly, I was back in the car, dehidrated, feeling stupid and really really dizzy .Drank, rested till my head was clear and drove back home.

Where the Hell did my common sense go!?

febrero 08, 2008

Felicidades Meldo Findesitil!!!

¡Congrats! Im very happy for my dear Clara- Her Medieval Latin treacher has offered her a job at the institute ...WOW!

Best wishes, güerita!


May Elebreth guide yor way!

Photo: pink cliché / mine

febrero 06, 2008

Paté à PomonaOnce

Festival Medieval

He did it!!

My running heroe...jajaja Eru knows I feel very proud of my friend...and I bet he's feeling even more than that.

Meldo Tulkas ran 100 miles in 28hr 30min!! Im ssoooo impressed. I bet there are guys that run faster, or longer nevertheless he is my running heroe...he came back in one piece...jajaja

Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Ou! for those weird ones who asked 'bout my wako friend, you can see his pics here

febrero 05, 2008

No vemos las cosas como son. Las vemos como somos.
-Anais Nin

febrero 02, 2008

Run Forest ,Run!!!

"Out of the silver heat mirage he ran. The sky burned, and under him the paving was a black mirror reflecting sun-fire. Sweat sprayed his skin with each foot strike so that he ran in a hot mist of his own creation. With each slap on the softened asphalt, his soles absorbed heat that rose through his arches and ankles and the stems of his shins. It was a carnival of pain, but he loved each stride because running distilled him to his essence and the heat hastened this distillation." - James Tabor, from "The Runner," a short story

Today's post is dedicated to a very dear friend of mine. Today's
The Rocky Racoon race...
Tulkas is now going for 100 miles!! Gosh I'm not quite sure whether he's an absolute madman or quite a brave one to endure such a journey :p maybe he's both. Anyway, I know this is an important race for him, has trained a lot, so pal, you're in my mind, run like the wind, noo BE the wind, be the trail, run like hell as if Mr Numerito wanted to own your mind (jejeje)...

"I run because it's my passion, and not just a sport. Every time I walk out the door, I know why I'm going where I'm going and I'm already focused on that special place where I find my peace and solitude. Running, to me, is more than just a physical exercise...it's a consistent reward for victory!"
~Sasha Azevedo, Runner Athlete

"Jogging is very beneficial. It's good for your legs and your feet. It's also very good for the ground. It makes it feel needed" ~Charles Schulz, Peanuts

"I always loved running... it was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs. " ~Jesse Owens

febrero 01, 2008

" La vida está compuesta por insignificancias; el año por instantes y la montaña por granos de arena. Por lo tanto no subestimes nada, por pequeño que te parezca" -Lin Yutang

Photo: starsand/Mine